DECEMBER 2019: We Did It!

Hello friends.

We premiered in Perth on October 27th, 2019, at Luna Leederville to around 430 people.
In Kalgoorlie we premiered on December 18th, 2019 at Orana Cinemas, with the help of Film Harvest Goldfields, to around 110 people.

I’m thankful to my parents for such support. To the cast & crew. During the filming and editing, I gave so much energy, and that’s a wonderful, rewarding, exhausting feeling. I wrote on my shower wall during production, in capital letters. ‘Trust your cast & crew. They are there for you, and there for the project.’ And they were. To Luna Leederville, Orana Cinemas, Film Harvest Goldfields, Felix H and everybody who has helped us out with our screenings. To our executive producers: Annabel Inglis, Andrew Inglis, Geospatial Frameworks, Evan Arnold, Lesley Arnold & Chris Arnold. To Robert Faulkner. To Tanja Visosevic. Gavin Docherty. Mishna Nagda. Again, all the cast & crew. To the friends and family who supported me, and supported the cast & crew through it all.

It took a lot of hard work and effort, and a lot of belief and talent to make this movie. We told a killer story, and brought these moments to life for eternity. I’m so thankful. We slaughtered it.

I felt such relief and satisfaction once we were done, and one of my greatest memories will be sitting at The Moon Café after the premiere with a group of the cast & crew and supporters. We had done it. We heard people laugh and gasp and react. They cheered through credits. They had favourite moments, and favourite scenes. They speculated on who the bad guys were. They connected to our world and characters. It brings me joy and amazement.

On premiere night, I was most emotional speaking about how the cast brought to life the voices of Kalgoorlie characters. The kids that I grew up with, represented on a cinema screen. That’s really moving to me. Our cast had honest and strong performances, that came from the heart. They took chances and risks, as did the crew, and we were rewarded. Thank you for putting soul, heart, friendship and life into all of this.

I was tense for the first hour of our Perth screening, so nervous that anything would go wrong. It was only an hour in that I could relax a bit. When Ben walks down through the house with gun in hand… I knew that from there it was all so powerful, and that the audience were really in for it. Our premiere was such a beautiful night.

Next year, I want to get this movie online with bonus features, and we’ll screen again in 2020!

Again, I’m so unbelievably grateful. We did it!

Thank you so much,

Zack Inglis

