With a background in engineering and construction management, Rob has been involved on and off with film projects for the last four years, studying briefly at university. Rob knew he had a desire to be a filmmaker, but due to its propensity to render a lack of financial security and stability, he previously had suppressed the idea. Recently, Rob was told "Today is the day, the day you can afford to be the most ambitious.". This resonated, and it was shortly after this that Rob decided it's now or never. He left his setup in London to return to Perth for a cheaper cost of living and a surplus of young, eager, creative people. 'The Light' shows exceptional promise, and Rob's excited to be using it as a platform to launch a career in film.



To me, film represents the mass dissemination of ideas, an ultimate machine of empathy that when mastered, has the power to draw people together. That's its beauty. When people reflect upon the process of filmmaking, initial thoughts go straight to the creative. There's often an inattention to the mountain of administration work and hours spent fretting over funding. To date, working on 'The Light' has opened my eyes to the level of pre-production planning behind the filmmaking process, especially in the independent film sector; a market where the conception of a production company often comes hand in hand with a filmmakers desire to see their idea come to life. I wish to use my time as production manager on 'The Light' to further explore and understand the cinematic element in order to develop approaches of greater efficacy and facilitate the engendering of more Australian independent films.